NKU Fall 2006 Advanced Typography Students…

Hello NKU Advanced Type Students! Your first post to this blog is due by Sunday, September 10th at 12:00 noon. Please be timely in posting your essay response. Try to respond somewhere in the area of 300-600 words with your well-written opinions/personal experiences as they relate to the topics covered in the assigned essay.
If you are in group “A”, you are to read and respond to:
The Obscene Typography Machine, By Philip Meggs (pp 36–38)
If you are in group “B”, you are to read and respond to:
Designing Hate: Is There a Graphic Language of Vile Emotion? By Steven Heller (pp42–44)
Both of these are from the text: Texts on Typography…, By Heller and Meggs
I look forward to reading your posts! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at brauert@nku.edu
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