Wednesday, November 15, 2006

“As a fitting metaphor for the distilled quality of things digital, the focus in e-mail is on the abridged, the acronym, the quick read.”

When it comes down to email and the internet in general we are going at a quick speed. It is there for simplicity so that we may move a little bit faster through our day. Sadly the brb, lol, and ttfn are becoming part of out everyday language. Like Helfand says gone are the days of good handwriting, the letter is lost. I think of this as a very sad fact. That we are so busy in our everyday lives that we can not sit down and write someone a letter. Now I don’t do this on a regular basis but I do try to do it. Remember the days when you went to the mail box and got excited because you had gotten a letter from someone. It hasn’t been that long. I think it is sad that we email each other thank you’s and invites.
Email has become a fast way to communicate. And it goes along with the fast paced lives we live in. But it is ugly! The short sayings for things lack any human contact because we are to lazy to type them out, not to mention the constant use of them cause frequent misspellings in once simple words. And the font choices are horrendous. And isn’t it funny that when I receive and email from my mom when it is important it is capitalized or italicized. She does it to get my attention, yet it is so impersonal. The internet has not only made us step away from the beauty of design for a fast read, but the feeling that comes with it. Letters, when they are hand done show emotion, feeling, and tell something about a person. Emails they tell you if someone decided to change a font or if grandma wanted to email you in comic sans because it was her favorite font. There is nothing to it. The Electric design is for fast reading. I know that it is necessary in our lives, but can’t we get feeling or emotion out of it? Not just bright, bad colors and hyperlinks when we are trying to connect with someone on the internet. Or is it to late and we don’t care to even connect with an actual person?


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